I hope Jon and Sharon see this thread, so they can explain why they are unable to provide for their own family and HOW they figure that "it takes a village" to provide for their kids.
I didn't speak unkindly - I spoke HONESTLY. The Dub mentality that runs from debate resorted to unkind words because they cannot explain how this sad event becomes MY problem.
So to all you sweetheart maggots out there, "Kiss, kiss, geniuses!"
Back in the good old days, there was shame properly associated with begging. Today we call this begging "crowdsourcing." Instead of sitting on the curb with a battered tin cup or brass begging-bowl in their grasp, beggars set up "crowdsourcing" pages. The Crowdsourcing companies make a nice living and employment for techno-nerds increases. Or did you REALLY BELIEVE that GoFundMe was a charity, you naif?
Where once people would seek a LOAN from a bank or shylock with the idea of PAYING IT BACK, today's "crowdsourcing" eliminates the concept of indebtedness - you give me money, I start a company, I make a profit and you get a thank you email. Economics 666? I guess.
I am disappointed that so many of you - especially YOU (you know who you are) - are so unskilled at debate and/or argumentation that you swiftly resort to "FUCK YOUs" and "MAGGOT" and "(I'm too demure to say FUCK YOU, so I'll just say) "I agree with the guy who said FUCK YOU, 'cause I'm a refined lay-dee."
Now, first reply to this with "FUCK YOU" gets $1. Hurry!